
January 2021


There’s a reason the New Year is synonymous with transformation, and that’s because a blank calendar is full of opportunities. Opportunities like, committing to eating healthy and nourishing our bodies, providing students with a dynamic environment to learn about food and farming and helping families discover firsthand how fresh, healthy food can nourish them and their loved ones. 
As we look forward to the new year, let’s work together to create new opportunities and lasting solutions for food waste and food insecurity in our community—for a better food future in 2021 and beyond. 


John Rivers
CEO and Founder
4Roots and 4R Restaurant Group

Orlando Business Journal: 2021 Game Changers

The Orlando Business Journal recently named Sara Elliott, Executive Director, 4Roots Farm Campus, a 2021 Game Changer in economic development and leader to watch this year. She sat down with the business publication to share how the 4Roots Farm Campus is poised for a transformative year that will place Orlando one step closer to becoming the epicenter of innovative local food solutions.

Parnter Spotlight: RSM US Foundation

We’re shining a bright light and lots of gratitude on the RSM US Foundation for donating over $18,000 to 4Roots to support the expansion and development of agriculture education programs. Their generous partnership will help us continue to offer to students in our community creative learning opportunities in and out of the classroom like weekend workshops at the Orlando Science Center, virtual field trips and farm-to-table cooking demonstrations—empowering them to build a better food future that benefits us all.

Sustainability Tips for the New Year

New year, same planet. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to plant seeds for a healthy lifestyle—including ways to help nourish ourselves and the earth. Refresh your habits and reduce waste this year with these bite-sized changes with tremendous impact: 

Innovative Local Food Solutions

Want to bring fresh, local flavors to the table year-round? You can’t get more local than food straight from your own garden. Check out these tips from our Farm Network Manager, Jordan Johnson, on what to grow, when and how to get started farming.

Add Winter Crops for a Pop of Flavor

More fruit on the menu is good news for your well-being and the planet’s. Did you know Florida is the second largest producing region in the U.S. for strawberry production—with approximately 8,000 acres of strawberries? Celebrate Florida’s strawberry season with this delicious strawberry lavender syrup recipe from our friends at Edible Communities!

Become a Friend of the Farm

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