O-Town Compost

Program overview
O-Town Compost seeks to become a key component of Orange County’s waste diversion infrastructure to help the City of Orlando meet its zero waste goal and extend the life of Orange County’s landfill. As of today, in total O-Town Compost has helped Central Florida divert 4.1 million lbs. This amounts to roughly 243,745 lbs per month and 56,249 lbs. per week.
When you subscribe to O-Town Compost’s odor and pest-free residential service for a small monthly fee ($24/month for biweekly pickups or $32/month for weekly pickups):
- We drop off a bucket
- Fill your bucket with your food scraps (we accept meat, dairy, paper towels, etc.)
- On your pickup day, leave your bucket out on your front entrance for us to swap out with a clean one
- Receive 20 lbs. of compost every six months, or choose to donate it to 4 Roots Farm